
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:橙子 更新时间:2014-12-05
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Abstract:Letters and visits system in China is a system with Chinese characteristics. It play an irreplaceable role in close contact with the masses of the people and ease social contradictions. But with the rapid development of China's economy, intensified social contradictions, "petition peak" continues to rise. The implementation of the amendment to the handling of complaint reporting which only take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, and even lead to more complaint problem. We must be aimed at the problems existing in the system to search for the reform path of the letters and visits system in future.

Key Words: Letter and visits system ; the masses; interest appeal; spirit of rule of law



上传会员 橙子 对本文的描述:我国当代信访的萌芽时期是新民主主义革命时期。虽然当时处于战争状态下,但在解放区,信访作为中国共产党紧密联系群众的重要举措,信访现象已广泛存在于党的建设、党的军队建......
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