
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小天天 更新时间:2015-06-03
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Abstract: In the world today,the competition of comprehensive national strength is becoming increasingly fierce, and presents the new development trend. As the core factors of national competitiveness, cultural soft power is becoming the the focus of the competition of comprehensive national strength . Developed countries have made a lot of helpful exploration in promoting cultural soft power : adhere to independent innovation, develop the cultural industries, attach great importance to the cultural output, strengthen the cultural diplomacy. Study the successful practices on the promotion of cultural soft power created by developed countries has very important practical significance in promoting the great development of China’s cultural prosperity and enhancing the comprehensive national strength of our country.

Key Words: developed countries;cultural soft power;ascension;revelation



上传会员 小天天 对本文的描述:“软实力”这一概念的提出,很快得到了来自世界各国学者们的广泛关注。在没有权威定义的情况下,大家纷纷对这一概念的基本内涵进行了深入细致的研究。这些阐释和界定虽然存在......
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