
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:夏天去哪儿 更新时间:2015-07-12
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Abstract:As the progress of the times, the change of the educational object, and the        improvement of educational environment, the traditional ideological and political education is more and more highlights its own defects, and its root cause lies in the lack of "humanization". To make the ideological and political education keep up with the pace of social advancement,we must adhere to the socialist core value system ,carry out the concept of scientific development, adhere to the people-oriented, fully excavate the potential of people,promote the all-round development of people.Facing the inadaptability of traditional ideological and political education,  targeted in such aspects as educational method,educational environment and educators to implement improvemental measures.

Key Words:humanization,the ideological and political education,people oriented,measures



上传会员 夏天去哪儿 对本文的描述:在马克思主义看来,人在实际活动中毫无疑问会与外界环境即自然界和社会发生一定的联系,在这个联系的基础上,现实的人就是自然界与社会的一个统一体。而人性就是人所特有的,与......
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