
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小玲老师 更新时间:2016-11-04
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Abstract:Since the reform and opening up,the administrative supervision theory and practice has made great progress in china. But the administrative supervision of china is not perfect, There are many leakage monitoring and virtual monitoring , Low administrative efficiency,administrative inaction,displeasure of the people often occur.Strengthening the supervision and restriction of the administrative power is the key to China's construction of socialist market economy and development of democratic politics.Therefore,To build socialist democratic country under the low with people's satisfaction,we should further reform and perfect the administration supervision system of china,strengthen the administrative legislation, administration according to law and improve the administration efficiency.

Key words: administrative supervision;existing problems; ways of prefect 

上传会员 小玲老师 对本文的描述:我国行政监督过程不够完整,最大的不足在于预防监督工作不到位,事后监督跟不上。作为一种经常性的行政管理活动,行政监督应该遵循连续性的原则,所有的行政行为都应该置于有......
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