
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小玲老师 更新时间:2016-11-04
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Abstract: Zhou Enlai combined the Marxist Theory and China’s concrete practice altogether to make the continuous exploration and research into the thought of mass line. The main ideas of Zhou Enlai’s thought of mass line include: The masses are the master of the country, whom the Chinese Communist Party must work for in all directions; the masses are the real prop, whom the Chinese Communist Party must depend on in every piece of work; the masses are the fertile soil, whom the Chinese Communist Party must maintain close ties with and be deeply rooted in. Zhou Enlai’s thought of mass line is of rich realistic guiding significances, Founding the Party for public interests, governing for the people; encouraging the free airing of views, drawing on the wisdom of the masses; people oriented, going deep among the masses. Meanwhile, Zhou Enlai’s mass line has also made a far-reaching consequence upon the formation of Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three Represents”, and other significant thoughts. 


Key Words: Zhou Enlai;the mass line;exploration

上传会员 小玲老师 对本文的描述:十月革命的胜利传来中国,就好像一道闪电瞬间照亮了漆黑的夜空,周恩来看到了祖国的希望。俄国的劳苦大众翻身成了国家的主人,让周恩来感悟到只有依靠人民群众的力量才能解救......
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