
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract:With the development of science and technology in recent years,the use of the network is more and more popular,more and more different thoughts flooded into our field of vision,presents the characteristics of the network for college students' ideological and political education work brought a lot of positive or negative influence. Therefore, this article briefly introduces the concept and characteristics of the network, focusing on the impact of Internet on ideological and political education has brought and in-depth analysis of the causes of these effects, and finally put forward some of their own simple advice. 

Key Words:Network;College students';The ideological and political education;Problem;Countermeasures

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:网络使科技和社会的发展得到了显著的提高,可以称作是人类发展以来最重要的发明。通过文字、图片、声音、视频等生动形象的表现形式,网络给人们带来极其丰富的精神生活和美好......
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