
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract:American TV Series as an important form of cross cultural communication has been the majority of the audience's favorite in China.With the rapid development of the Internet,the audience of American TV Series became more youth-oriented.American TV Series create an upsurge among middle school students.The Ideological content carried by American TV Series can influence the audience's values easily,especially for middle school students who's values are not mature. It will have a positive or negative impact on life attitude, thinking mode, consumption concept and so on.Based on the situation that domestic research on the influence of the American TV Series to the value of middle school students is not much .This article through the combination of questionnaire and interview method, aims to study why middle school students love American TV Series, do analysis of influence of American TV Series to the value of middle school students .And put forward the corresponding countermeasures against the adverse effects,it has practical significance.

Key Words: American TV Series;middle school student;values;influence

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:除了政治和经济方面的交流,各国文化的传播和交流也日益密切,跨文化传播在国际交往中的地位有了显著的提高,影响也不断加深,因而备受瞩目。跨文化传播的形式多种多样,其中......
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