
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract:Ideological and moral course is built around the actual student life, the purpose is to help students set up the optimistic attitude towards life. In real life, however, many teachers influenced by "exam-oriented education", a door is derived from the actual student life, guide the practice of student life course abruptly became a purely "theoretical knowledge" instilling class, lead to students' learning enthusiasm is not high, the classroom efficiency is low. The cause of the problem is not simply the school is the one aspect, it is also the responsibility of the family and society. So, want to solve the problems existing in the thought personal character class, in addition to the teacher must strive to improve their own quality, improve teaching methods at the same time, also cannot leave the school, family and social interaction.

Key words: Junior middle school thought moral character class, Problems ;Countermeasures

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:我国已有几千年的教育历史,且在这之前基本都是以老师为主,学生为辅。老师在教台上讲,学生在下面记,且不得反驳老师的教学理念,不然就被认为是不尊师重道。受千年历史习惯......
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