
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract: since ancient times, teachers' professional ethics construction undoubtedly with the will of the state are closely linked, and in the new period to teachers at primary and secondary schools under the guidance of the core values of the socialist view, in order to give full play the guiding role of the socialist core values, save nowadays Division of various kinds of moral landslide phenomenon, and comprehensively improve the moral level of primary and secondary school teachers. Taking the socialist core values to guide the construction of primary and middle school teachers' ethics requires a lot of efforts, including teachers' own initiative to study the connotation of the socialist core values and the specific practice, the primary and secondary schools through training, to create a campus culture atmosphere, and other ways to help teachers' ethics construction; and various system constraints and security.

Key words: socialist core values; primary and secondary school teachers; teachers' morality construction

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:对于中小学教师而言,教学对象是中小学学生,中小学时期是学生学好基础文化知识、完整道德情操形成的重要时期。在这一阶段中,中小学教师承担着至关重要的责任,教师自身的职......
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