
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of new media ,contemporary college students' Ideological and political education needs to improve its form and content of work,and the effects also turn up. The development of new media creates a new context for contemporary college students' ideological and political education, the ideological and political educators are faced with multiple challenges. Because of this, the state and the government should strengthen the legislation and guidance of the new media and the ideological and political education, social forces should actively build a self media platform, colleges should strengthen the ability of the  use of new media to improve ideological and political education,and students also need to strengthen the self education.

Key Words: new media; college students; ideological and political education; innovation

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:新媒体之所以会被称为新媒体,其中很大的一个原因是因为新媒体是最新走进人们视野的一种媒体形态,新媒体的“新”其实是一个相对的观点,新在形式和内容,广播和报纸相比较而......
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