
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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An Analysis on the Value and Practice of College Students ' Scientific Spirit Cultivation  


Abstract:  The cultivation of college students ' scientific spirit can be beneficial to the cultivation of students ' scientific literacy and innovative consciousness, the cultivation of college students ' healthy personality, as well as the college students' building of a complete spiritual world. At present, in the cultivation of college students ' scientific spirit, there is rigid impact of general misinterpreting of scientific spirit, pragmatism and utilitarianism. Besides, there are also problems such as disequilibrium issues in the scientific spirit cultivation practice. The priority in the cultivation of college students ' scientific spirit is to attach importance to the edifying influence of scientific culture, the optimizing of curriculum setting, and the conducting of targeted activities.

Key Words:  scientific spirit; cultivation; value; practice

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:在笔者看来,科学精神实质即科学的求真精神,科学的臻美精神,科学的向善精神,它内在的统一于真、善、美。显然,无论是文科大学生还是理科大学生都应具有科学精神,因为它是......
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