
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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The Operation and Improvement of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Jiangsu


Abstract: The new rural cooperative medical care system has already covered the rural areas of Jiangsu Province, and it has been accepted by the farmers in the life of the farmers. The new type of rural cooperative medical care system for farmers to reduce the medical expenses, realize medical services, makes the rural poverty has improved, has brought many benefits to the broad masses of farmers life. But in actual operation due to some defects existing in the system itself, as well as the inevitable human factors, etc., still exist some problems to be solved. In order to make the Jiangsu province the interests of the broad masses of farmers to get better protection, calls for the joint efforts of government, society and peasants.

Keywords: Jiangsu Province; new rural cooperative medical system; farmers' rights; government responsibility

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:新型农村合作医疗制度是一种由政府组织、引导、支持,农民自愿参与,个人、集体和政府多方面筹资,以大病统筹原则为主的农村医疗合作共济制度。从本质上来说,新型农村合作医......
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