
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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Marx's Class Theory and Analysis of China's New Class Attribute


Abstract: The central task of Marx's class theory is to reveal the oppression and antagonism in the capitalist society. The essence of Marx's class theory: in order to criticize and deny bourgeois society, through class struggle to eliminate class differences, predict and realize the full freedom of mankind. The Marx doctrine class theory is the basic method of the attribute analysis of the new stratum in our country. Under the influence of the reform and opening up, in the rapid development of socialism, our country's new social stratum. In under the guidance of historical materialism, we can see that the new social class is part of the contemporary people, the new period of socialist modernization construction, the masses of the people refers to all Chinese characteristic socialist cause builders. The party and the government should respect their rights and interests, and actively guide, so as to build a harmonious socialist society in china.

Key words: class theory;new social stratum;Social attribute

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:马克思主义认为,阶级首先是一个经济范畴。恩格斯说:“这些互相斗争的社会阶级在任何时候都是生产关系和交换关系的产物,一句话,都是自己时代的经济关系的产物”。[1]经济关......
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