
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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Dilemma and innovation of the mechanism of anti corruption under the new media environment


Abstract:The emergence of new media, the use into a new era of 4G, and impact on the survival of the traditional form and living habits, and change the media path, mechanism, form, procedures, its relationship with our government anti-corruption mechanism also changed. And new media communication speed, rich in content and form, wide coverage and high sharing and interactive features, pose a challenge to the anti-corruption mechanism at the same time, it provides an unprecedented opportunity. New media to social life, the impact of the new media environment, China's anti-corruption mechanism has also followed a series of changes. This paper mainly introduces the current situation of the development of anti-corruption mechanism in the new media environment, the practical situation and the difficulties faced by the current situation and the improvement and innovation in the face of difficulties.

Key Words:new media; anti-corruption mechanism; ideological education; innovation

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:在新媒体迅猛发展的环境下,我们所生活的整体环境中的各个方面都在发生着变化,经济的全球发展和文化的相互交融与传播,更重要的则是政治生活的各个方面也与新媒体相互关联和......
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