
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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Zhou Enlai's Life Discipline and Its Significance


Abstract: Life discipline is that party members should abide by the code of conduct in their daily life and social interaction. Party in a life of discipline regulations, fully embodies the Communist pursuit of value and political character, clear the self-cultivation of the leading cadres of the party and brought to fruition. Strictly abide by the discipline of life, affected party, folkway, social conduct. Zhou Enlai as one of our country's excellent party and state leaders, he not only respect for the people on the job, keep improving, in life is to be satisfied with, hard work and plain living. Zhou Enlai as models, learn the fine life style of Zhou Enlai, for how to obey the discipline, cultivate noble sentiment of life, has important meaning for party's style of the cultivation of clean government and so on.

Key Words: Zhou Enlai; life discipline; the style of the party; efforts to uphold integrity

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:不管是建国前的革命斗争时期,还是建国后的发展社会主义阶段,周恩来面对各种指责,总是相忍为党。第五次“反围剿”失败后,为了维护党的利益,周恩来把失败的责任全部揽在自......
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