
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-22
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  "Triple Three" of the ChongQing Municipal launched in May 2009, a set the Forced grassroots party members and cadres contact and serving the people of the measures, it requires cadres into the village, into the grass-roots, into the farmers and farmers witheat, live, with labor. Introduction of this measure is to further strengthen the relationship between the cadres and the masses, so that the people in-depth understanding of the party's policy guidelines, on the other hand, cadres understand the actual situation of the rural farmers of the actual situation, starting from the position of farmers sympathetic to their needs, understand their needs, and truly serve the people. But a variety of causes as well as the masses of the people in the actual implementation process, "Triple Three" did not achieve the desired objectives, there are many reasons, including the reasons of policy makers, policy implementation exist reasons, these have led to the problems in the implementation of the "Triple Three". In order to solve this problem, all aspects of joint efforts in order to make a real party and government policies implemented to benefit the people.

Keywords: Three Triple ;QingFeng town; Present Situation


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:从农民的立场出发,体察民情、了解民情,真正做到为人民服务。但是在实际的落实过程中,“三进三同”却没有达到预期的目标,其中存在的原因是多方面的,包括政策制定者的原因......
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