
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-24
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关键字:新型农村社会养老保障制度  政府职能  政府责任意识  社会保障


Abstract:The new rural social old-age security system has been tried for 2 years, the promotion of the pilot areas are engaged in an orderly, but at the same time it should be noted that some local governments in the new agricultural insurance system, there is a problem in the implementation process, resulting in Currently, the new farmer's insurance penetration is not high, the farmers of new agricultural insurance is still on the sidelines. Main reasons for this phenomenon: the government publicity on the new agricultural insurance in place, farmer insurance farmer's insurance with the new interface between the loopholes, inadequate management oversight mechanisms, working hard to ensure that human and financial resources, the urgent need to increase funds operational efficiency and so on. Based on the pilot area research, to explore its mechanism and legal system, the reasons for building such a deeper level and to make recommendations of measures to promote the new agricultural insurance on the healthy and orderly sustainable development track.

Keywords: New rural social old-age security system   Government functions   Sense of government responsibility   Social Security





上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:新农保制度实际是由国家及各级地方政府来承担人民部分社会责任的一种社会保障制度,这体现了我国社会化程度的提高与制度安排的先进,有利于逐步实现社会公平公正、破除城乡分......
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