
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-25
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Abstract:This paper briefly introduces the background, characteristics, nature and significance of Weberian Bureaucracy at first, arguing that instrumental rationality is the most important characteristic of Weberian Bureaucracy. Then the paper examines the bureaucracy in contemporary China with the characteristics of Weberian Bureaucracy as a perfect model. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the bureaucracy in contemporary China, concludes its trauma, that is, shortage and alienation of bureaucracy and interprets the causes of the problems, arguing that China’s long history of administrative practice of irrational bureaucracy acts as the fundamental cause. In the end, this paper proposes some policy recommendations to the reform of the bureaucracy in contemporary China in the perspective of deconstructing, perfecting and transcending Weberian Bureaucracy, arguing that perfecting Weberian Bureaucracy, that is to say, increasing cultural, legal, technical and economic rationalities should be put on the top of the agenda of the reform of the bureaucracy in contemporary China.

Key Words: Weberian Bureaucracy, bureaucracy in contemporary China, shortage of bureaucracy, alienation of bureaucracy


上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:首先简要介绍了韦伯官僚制的背景、特征、本质和意义,认为韦伯官僚制最重要的特征在于工具理性。接着,本文参照韦伯官僚制的基本特征考察当代中国官僚制,通过比较,分析当代......
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