
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-25
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Abstract:Since the reform and openness of our country, the common effort from the personalities of various circles in our society has put forward the charity with currently flourishing development. Different kind of charity institution plays its important role involving all the people with benevolence in an early form during the great emergencies and disasters. However, it initiates the Chinese charity into further development as the appearance of lack of transparency of donation, inadequate supervision and over administrative intervention etc. It reveals the fact that our development of charity is still on the primary stage. It also proves that we need to put the factors such as social charity consciousness, charity scale, charitable organization, donation mechanism, legal system and other aspects into practical experience with further reinforce and consolidation. This paper stresses on China’s charity institution, which selects mechanism as the breakthrough point. With the overview of the development of China's charity and its status and functions, it analyzes problems in the course of development. Finally it comes up with countermeasures according to the questions.

Keyword: charity; policies and rules; management and operation; charity consciousness




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:慈善事业无疑是对政府公共支出不足时的一种有益补充,在保障经济社会的协调发展中有着重要作用。为了促进慈善事业的健康发展,政府的理念和举措最为关键:不仅要彻底转变“全......
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