
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:娶你,敢嫁么 更新时间:2014-10-03
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Abstract: The festival culture, with distinct national features and various presentation forms, is a precious cultural heritage of a nation. As an embodiment of the ethos, which develops in the very society, the traditional festival involves many cultural meaning of a nation such as the faith, the concept, and the thinking method and so on. This paper will analyze the main traditional festivals in Chinese and Western countries from the perspective of cross-cultural communication, i.e. difference in culture, religion, and ethic, attempting to provide readers the intrinsic meaning of the main traditional festivals in Chinese and Western countries, so that they can understand each other better, develop friendship, and be equipped with the knowledge of cross-cultural communication.

Key word: traditional festivals in Chinese and Western countries; difference; comparative analysis




上传会员 娶你,敢嫁么 对本文的描述:However, some researches have focused only on the description of the cultural differences, other work has sought to show how cultural differences in traditional festivals both reflect and reproduce social differences. Accordingly,......
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