
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-12
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Abstract:Based on the wax and wane of Sense and Sensibility in the novel, the Dashwood sisters fulfill the story with their own love and marriage. Austen expressed her own view on love and marriage both directly and indirectly in the novel, which is not only about the two main characteristics, sense and sensibility, but also about many other factors, such as family background, wealth and social status, etc. This thesis will mainly discuss Austen’s view on love and marriage from the following aspects: the social environment and family background in which Austen grew up as well as a brief introduction about her, the analysis of this novel and the two sister’s characteristics as well as their love and marriage, eventually a conclusion to what matters and brings into a good marriage in Austen’s view.

Key words:sense and sensibility  love  marriage  Jane Austen  money and rank






1. Love and Marriage in Sense and Sensibility-5

1.1 Elinor’s Love and Marriage-5

1.2 Marianne’s Love and Marriage-7

1.3 Other Marriages in the Story-10

2. Jane Auten’s View on Love and Marriage -12

2.1 Influence from Social Background-12

2.2 Influence from Family Background-13

2.3 Influence from Life Experience of Austen-14

3. The Enlightments of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility on Modern Females-16

3.1 Love Needs Both Sense and Sensibility-16

3.2 A Good Marriage Needs Love-17

3.3 Money Worship is Unwise-17




上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:这篇论文主要会从以下几个方面着手分析奥斯丁的婚姻观与爱情观:简要介绍奥斯丁生活的社会环境和家庭背景以及奥斯丁本人;浅析该本小说、小说中一对姐妹的性格和两人的爱情与......
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