
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: Irony is one of the most important rhetoric devices and writing techniques using words that are the opposite of what you really mean to convey a special meaning. Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austin’s masterpiece featured with witty, humorous and ironic language. This study adopts Cooperative Principle as its theoretical framework to study the ironic speech acts in the novel Pride and Prejudice from four aspects: irony achieved violating the maxim of quality, the maxim of quantity, the maxim of relevance and the maxim of manner. It aims to help the readers to have a better appreciating the writing art, theme and characters of this literary works. Also it proves that it is feasible to apply the pragmatic theory to the appreciation of literary works so that the novel can achieve a stronger interpretation.

 Key words: Cooperative Principle; Pride and Prejudice; irony





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review.2

  2.1 Previous Study on Irony 

2.2 Previous Study on Pride and Prejudice 

3. Theoretical Framework: Cooperative Principle.3

4. Analysis of Irony in Pride and Prejudice from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle.4

  4.1 Irony Created by Violating the Maxim of Quality

4.2 Irony Created by Violating the Maxim of Quantity

4.3 Irony Created by Violating the Maxim of Relevance

4.4 Irony Created by Violating the Maxim of Manner

5. Conclusion.9



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本文用合作原则作为理论框架,从以下四个角度来研究小说《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽言语行为:分别是以违背质的准则,量的准则,关系准则和方式准则来达到反讽的效果。本文旨在帮......
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