
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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[Abstract]With the progress of the times and the improvement of life quality, early childhood education is more and more important. The piano education as a new means of education, has been favored by many parents. Because the development of piano education is not only beneficial to the baby's brain, also can cultivate children's self-confidence and willpower from. From the current situation of children learning the piano, many children to learn the piano only three minutes heat, lack of persistence in learning. Appear this kind of circumstance, often because of unfavorable guided by parents and teachers, of course there are about the children of the age. Then, analysis the characteristics of children learning the piano, how to train children to piano long-term interest, and how to make the piano education of children onto the track of normal development is worth studying.

[Keywords]Children's piano learning strategies; training

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:于此同时培养出一批音乐人才。除此之外,在某种程度上这种高雅的家庭生活氛围能够提高全民族的文化内涵。然而,在我国幼儿钢琴教育发展过程中还是有很多缺憾。下面将从三个方......
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