
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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[关键词] 声乐  实践   教育


ABSTRACT:Vocal music education is an important part of music education in Colleges and universities, occupies a very important position. Its purpose is to train with the ability of teaching stage and musical talent. With the development of people continue to improve the social aesthetic, educators have been in their professional knowledge and teaching skills upgrading. In recent years, in the joint efforts of many music educators, creating various teaching forms, and mostly teaching method has a prominent effect. This is the new requirements of the teaching form the deficiencies of the traditional one kind of supplement and age. Among them, the music practice is an important teaching method, through practice, can the teacher achievements in teaching and learning performance of students to test the most effective. This thesis and the meaning of music practice in music education in the role of inquiry.

Key Words:Vocal,Practice,Education

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:我们平时在声乐的学习过程中不,不同的老师他们在教学的时候都会有他们自己的对于声乐的看法和认识同时也有一套属于自己的教学方法,无论是哪种观点和教学方法,他的目的都是......
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