
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-12
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关键词:动漫 纸质材料 创意 环保


Abstract:Cartoon is an art, each artist his works are condensed the artist of the design characteristics of itself. However, when the cartoon image derive, will animation character modelling is very good form into toys, form a series of anime peripheral products slowly become wind, tide in today's society, because of its rich with different shapes and forms, colorful and got different ages people like pursuit. Paper-based materials anime peripheral products has environmental protection, safety, light and easily degradable, economic and educational characteristics, close to my life, inspiration comes from life, created in our hands. This paper in animation peripheral products paper material apply and forms the heart with the graduation design of the creation of childhood preliminary research, explore the various paper materials in anime peripheral products, through the use of the different modelling, colour paper products in the design and production of different characteristics of the expression comes out.Key words:Cartoon  Paper material  Creative  Environmental


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文就动漫周边产品中纸质材料的运用及表现形式结合毕业设计《最心底的童年》的创作进行初步研究,探究不同的纸质材料在动漫周边产品中的不同的运用,通过纸产品在造型,色彩......
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