
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-22
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【关键词】相亲类节目; 电视节目制作; 《非诚勿扰》; 《我们约会吧》


Abstract: In this paper,I studied current popular two archives dating shows “if you are the one” and “we are dating.In all respects undertook comparative with the analysis ,thus obtains the reason why the same type of the programs will be in the ratings and social influence are so big difference between high and low, analysis of a program making which has important even decisive factor.Especially in today’s social development situation,the mass for the program of the increasingly high demand,program option is also increasing,this article on how to be a dating shows do not only the red at the moment,but to seek more high farther development to make an analysis and suggestions.Form the main program promotion,production and other aspects analyzes how similar televition talent showing itself,remain invincible.And concluded that the development of various types of television programs need to have what conditions.

Keywords:dating shows; television production; if you are the one; we are dating




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本文对如何将一台相亲类节目做到拥有高收视率,同时更要寻求更高更远的发展做出了分析与建议。主要从节目的宣传,制作等方面具体分析了如何在同类电视节目中脱颖而出,立于不......
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