
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-22
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[摘要]:  本文以中国的《大风车》以及美国的《芝麻街》为研究对象,一方面更好的把握少儿的视角,顺应孩子的天性,加强节目的娱乐性,强化本土意识,细分目标受众,制作出更多的健康向上,情趣高雅,生动活泼的少儿节目,达到与少儿心灵上的共鸣,在儿童成长道路上真正起到引导领航的作用。尽量避免少儿节目的成人化,动画剧场非本土化等问题;另一方面,进一步了解并且学习国外少儿节目的创办理念,取长补短,使中国的少儿节目走向成熟走向国际。

[关键词]:   节目形态; 节目制作; 发展前景; 大风车; 芝麻街  


[Abstract]:   This paper takes the Chinese of the large wind turbines, and American sesame street as the research object, on the one hand, better grasp of the children's point of view, and conform to the nature of the child, strengthen the entertaining programs, strengthening local consciousness, segments of the target audience, making a more healthy and upward, interest is decorous, lively children's program, and make the children's spiritual resonance, in children's growing road leading role play a real guidance. Try to avoid the children's program administer, animation theater the localization; On the other hand, further understand and learn foreign children's program to the foundation of philosophy, and learn from each other, make Chinese children's program to mature to go into the international.

[Key words]:  Program form; Programme production; Development prospects; Large wind turbines; Sesame street


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本文以中国的《大风车》以及美国的《芝麻街》为研究对象,一方面更好的把握少儿的视角,顺应孩子的天性,加强节目的娱乐性,强化本土意识,细分目标受众,制作出更多的健康向......
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