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资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-22
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关键词: 女性觉醒意识,简.坎皮恩电影,女性主义电影,颠覆


Abstract:Jane · Jane Campion, New Zealand famous female Director. Born in New Zealand Wellington, mother is playwright and actor, father is a theatre director. Grew up in the family, Jian Kan also to embrace art of the city of Pienza is natural. She completed in 70 from switch of architectural arts, Visual Arts, film, and end with a superb job of vignettes into Australia, film and television studies.Jian Kan city of Pienza in all of the films are free to be abandoned or to women outside the mainstream of society. Her fine characterizations of their different causes and refuses or is unable to comply. Her films often being labelled a feminist label. In Jane Campion's works female Director works typical of the impact on the existing male-oriented society, reflects a woman played by the Director's work at the level of ideology to Subversion。This paper is a study of Jane Campion works in the theme features. , and her female characters in his works, to understand her style of film aesthetics, as well as the shape of the other female characters in the film. Through her work as a demonstration of female emotions inside, thereby exploring women and culture, and social relations.

Key Words:Female awakened awareness, jane campion’sfilms,  Feminist film,  subversion 


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本论文主要研究的是简.坎皮恩作品的题材特征,以及她作品中的女性形象,从而了解她的电影美学风格,以及分析其他电影中女性形象的塑造。通过她的作品从而表现女性内心的情感,......
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