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资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-02
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【关键词】:社交网络; 社交网站; 脸书; 人际交往


【Abstract】: Internet social networking sites, with the gradual rise of the development of a new medium, in the last two years, the Internet phenomenon of the most important and one of the hot. At the same time in October 2010 the film "the social networking" aggressively in North America, once again set off wave of social networking sites. The face of the rapid development of social networking sites abroad, the domestic social networking sites are mushrooming rise. Whether it is academic or general audiences are on this new social form had a research interest. 

This paper is divided into five levels, the first part will trace the development of social networking sites, social networking sites to show the development status, and from the movie "social networking", analyzes the Facebook development; the second part of the meaning and the creation of social networking sites Theoretical basis; the third part from the movie "social network " of social networking sites the way of innovation; fourth part of the negative impact of social networks; the fifth part of development proposals put forward social networking sites and look forward to the development prospects of social networking sites.

As Internet technology continues to progress, social networking sites into the social development of people's lives is inevitable. Can even say that what people need for social communication networks, contributed to the social networking sites have emerged and continue to develop. 

【Keywords】:social networking; Social networking sites; face book;  interpersonal communication

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:电影《社交网络》以哈佛为故事的起点,刻板古旧的兄弟会、各种学生交友聚会,已经不能满足学生的社交需求,然而有需求就会有创新,社交的网络化成为大势所趋。马克·扎克伯格创......
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