
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-02
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关键词:照明设计 照明产业 照度 光通量 眩光限制级别 色温 显色性


Abstract:The pace of the human pursuit of light from the fire by rubbing sticks started, through the lamp, incandescent, gas discharge lamp and semiconductor lighting technology (commonly known as LED), the lighting industry has become a thriving, rapid development of social sectors. According to relevant statistics: Lighting Industry in 2009 into a large-scale enterprises total industrial output value of 201.146 billion yuan, electric light output was 16.396 billion total, lamps and lighting fittings 2,078,140,000 units (units, a). Can see that the economic downturn in the world environment, the lighting design industry is still more than 2008 industrial output grew by 6 percentage points. This remarkable achievement has been enough to Geluyinghao Cemayangbian to try it out. Lighting industry thrive, led lighting design industry Rapid rise. At the same time, the concept of lighting design gradually from the previous "light", "good point" developed "points out the artistic taste of" point of view, from the simple application of basic lighting gradually developed to improve the lighting and lighting art. The gradual change in lighting design, reflecting the progress of the times and increase demand for human appreciation. For architectural lighting is concerned, not only to meet the functional requirements, but also to meet the needs of architectural art, the combination of more and more people agree. For decorative lighting and landscape lighting, but more fully integrating art and technology, should also pay attention to energy saving needs.     I studied the subject, "lighting configurations and techniques" that is called the lighting design and lighting design is divided into the number of design and quality of design, the number of design is the basis, in accordance with the functions and activities of workplace lighting levels and lighting requirements to determine Standard (illumination, glare limit level, color temperature and color rendering) calculated for data processing; On this basis, also need quality design, is based on people's feelings, consider the use of human vision and the crowd, use, architectural style, the collection of the surrounding environment as much as possible (their environment, importance, time period), and other factors, make rational decisions to be considered.


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:我研究的课题"灯光的配置与技巧"即是所谓的照明设计,而照明设计分为数量化设计和质量化设计,数量化设计是基础,就是根据场所的功能和活动要求确定照明等级和照明标准(照度、......
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