
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-02
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Abstract:Game is the main and important life style of preschool children. Children playground, as one of the places where children can play games, is good for children to receive more and more study and life experience outside classroom. Since playground which is the connection of natural surroundings and social surroundings can comprehensively promotes children's both physical and mental development, and the development of domestic playgrounds mainly reflects on the sorts of the landscape of nurseries which also has the possibility of being carried out. This essay will have a study on the artistic quality and functional quality of playground in nursery landscape.

Firstly, this article summarize the tendency and the quality of foreign design, analysing the way of foreign countries' playground design through the description of foreign cases. Meantime, find out the problems that the domestic playground facing at. Then, choose the good ways of foreign design, trying to come up with the suitable ways for our own country to get the best connection of artistic quality and functional quality in the nursery landscape design.    

Keyword: game,nursery landscape,playground




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:幼儿园已是当代城市文明的一个重要组成。如何为儿童创造一个良好的成长环境是全社会关注的问题,随着改革开放以来国家和社会的巨大进步,人们的物质生活水平和文化生活也有了......
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