
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-02
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关键字:儒家 传统 文化 室内设计


Abstract:This article discusses the interior design of traditional Chinese culture included the role of philosophy and modern interior design in the use of traditional design. And pointed out that the carry forward traditional culture should not be formalistic, but should be based on the understanding to grasp the essence of culture in order to establish the direction of the design of Chinese culture in the local style shine.

Interior design is produced as a result of the building. Ancient architecture in China experienced a primitive society, slave society, feudal society, the three stages of development for the interior design to create a sufficient time and material. Interior design of traditional Chinese architecture and decoration is the different geographical and cultural characteristics of the product, with distinctive styles and characteristics.

We can from the material, technical and spiritual to study interior design at three levels of meaning. Spiritual dimension refers to the solidification of the material aspects and is reflected in the technical level of social awareness and the designer's aesthetic and cultural qualities and capabilities. This article focuses on the traditional philosophy and cultural perspective of the interior spiritual connotation.

Key words:confucianism; tradition;interior Design; culture




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:室内设计是随着建筑的产生而产生的。我国古代建筑经历了原始社会、奴隶社会、封建社会三个阶段,为室内设计的发展创造了充足的时间和素材。中国传统建筑的室内设计与装修是中......
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