
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-11
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Abstract:This article discusses the weightiness of animation for comics in China for the process of de development of Chinese animation undertakings, and the possibility to come true. Author also describes the future for the development and suggests some effective options to advance the process of development. At the present age, a mass of Japanese comic products invaded into market. It leaves Chinese comic undertakings no choice but walking on the road of animation comics to struggle for development. Our undertakings need to draw lessons from the successful experience of animation for comics in Japan, and add Chinese culture's connotation, so that we could make the real animation products with Chinese soul. That is foundation for a good animation industry chain, which could lead Chinese animation undertakings to a successful way.




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文论述了中国漫画动画化在中国动漫产业发展的道路上的重要性和实现的可能性,并对其发展前景做了描述和提出了一些促进其实现的有效措施。......
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