
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-11
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关键词:走路的规律  跑步的规律  运动规律


Abstract:This article explores the characteristics of animated characters’ walking and running. It takes European and American animation and Japanese animation as the research object. It will also do specific analysis of their differences with their representatives Tom and Jerry and Grave of the Fireflies. It’s easy to see that roles in European and American animation always have exaggerated performance. They deliberately amplification the characteristics and movement of action to achieve the perfect interpretation of the character and mood. And Japanese animation adheres to the tradition with a realistic movements to tell stories, but also played a very good result. Study of European, American and Japanese animation walking and running is helpful for us when we are doing the animation. Relatively , Chinease animation has not a mature style and is still growing. Of the advanced animation technology is conducive to my own career development in animation for I am a student of animation. Animation is the emerging business in China, We started later than some other countries so we should reference good things abroad. Standing on the shoulders of giants, we can avoid detours.

Keywords:  walking rules; running rules; movement rules


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:相对来说,我国动画还没相当成熟,仍在成长期,而我是一个学动画的学子,研究国外先进的动画技术有利于我自身在动画事业上的发展,对我国的动画也是有好处的。......
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