
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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ABSTRACT:The author makes a survey on 283 college students by using Confucian cultural identity scale. The purpose of the research is to make a study on the status of the Confucian cultural identity of the students in southeastern of Yunnan. The study is divided into four dimensions, namely: self-development, the demeanor of others, social responsibility and patience, moral discipline. The result shows that: (1) Confucian cultural identity in gender differences, women’s score higher than men’s; (2) there is no big differences between minority and the Han in Confucian cultural identity; (3) Confucian cultural identity in the geographical difference is not significant ; (4) there are significant differences in their profession; (5) Confucian cultural identity associated with the culture level.  Based on these results, the author discusses the causes and interpretation of these results.

Keywords:Southeast of Yunnan; College Student;The identity Confucian culture; Ethnic; Education


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:文章采用儒家文化认同量表,对283名在校大学生进行相关的调查研究,目的是研究滇东南地区大学生对儒家文化认同的状况。研究分为四个维度,分别是:自我发展、他人联系风度、社......
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