
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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    本研究主要采用了问卷调查的方法,被试为红河学院222名在校大学生。使用的问卷包括:黄希庭等(2001)编制的青少年时间管理倾向量表(Adolescence Time Management Dispostion Scale,简称ATMD)和阎巧丽编制的大学生冲动性购物的调查问卷。通过对收集的数据进行统计分析,结果表明:









ABSTRACT:Nowadays, impulsive buying behavior more and more widely exist in college students' daily life, college students' impulsive buying behavior by people's extensive concern, impulsive buying behavior as an irrational purchase way, will not only result in the waste of resources and idle, and will give students increase the economic burden caused by the pressure of life, affect the physical and mental health. Therefore, this study from the college students personal time management tendency in three dimensions ( the sense of time value, time monitoring, time efficacy), to explore college students' time management disposition and impulsive buying behavior.

    This research mainly adopts questionnaire method, was administered to222 undergraduates in Honghe University. Using the questionnaire include: Huang Xiting (2001) preparation of Adolescence Time Management Disposition Inventory ( Adolescence Time Management Dispostion Scale, referred to as ATMD ) and Yan Qiaoli prepare students impulse shopping questionnaire. Based on the collected data 

for statistical analysis, the results show that:

   (1) Male and female college students' impulsive buying behavior difference, girls scored significantly higher than boys.

   (2) Different from the college students' impulsive buying behavior difference, urban college students' impulsive buying behavior mean scores than the rural students' impulsive buying behavior of the mean scores.

   (3) The high time management disposition group impulse purchasing behavior measurement of mean scores lower than the time management disposition group impulse purchasing behavior measurement points.

   (4) Level of time management tendency of College Students' impulsive buying behavior in the presence of significant difference.

   (5) Level of time management disposition is different from the college students' impulsive buying behavior difference.

     Through this research, it can be concluded that the female students than male students are more prone to impulsive buying behavior, low time management disposition of bigau university college students time management disposition more prone to impulsive buying behavior.

Key words: College students; Time management disposition; Impulsive buying behavior


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:本研究主要采用了问卷调查的方法,被试为红河学院222名在校大学生。使用的问卷包括:黄希庭等(2001)编制的青少年时间管理倾向量表(Adolescence Time Management Dispostion Scale,简称ATMD)和阎巧......
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