
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-30
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关键词:学生社团;隐性思想政治教育; 作用


ABSTRACT:College students’ association is an important part of the campus culture and also a major carrier of improving college students’ comprehensive quality, it is the important position on the education of college students’ recessive ideological and political. According to interview the students, this paper analysis the function and restraint factors of students’ association in the education of  college students’ recessive ideological and political form specific situation of college students’ association, then put forward some strategies that can give full play to the function of students’ association in the education of  college students’ recessive ideological and political, it has a great significance to improve  college students’ overall development and strengthen their education of ideological and political.

Keywords:  students’ association;recessive ideological and political education;role




上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:分析其对大学生隐性思想政治教育的作用及对大学生隐性思想政治教育作用实现的制约因素,从而提出充分发挥学生社团对隐性思想政治教育的作用的对策,这对促进大学生的全面发展......
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