
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-24
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Abstract:The problem of rural teenager dropouts caused by non-household economic factors has drawn the attention from the whole society nowadays when a socialist new rural construction and socialist harmonious society are being built. Such non-household economic factors as the influence of various alternative values, an education detached from rural life, maladministration of rural schools on educates, backward rural family education concept and weariness of studying from rural teenagers make for such a severe situation. Solving the problem of rural teenaged dropouts and developing rural education should play an important part in building a new socialist countryside and become a most urgent problem in implementing the strategic principles of relying on science and education to invigorate the country and developing agriculture by relying on science, technology and education. In this paper, it is suggested to solve the problem by promoting education on mainstream value in rural teenagers, rebuilding curriculum content and adjusting curricular structure in rural schooling, strengthening administration in rural schools and drawing rural parents’ attention on children’s education.

Key words:rural teenagers;drop-out problem;non-economic factors




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:本文建议通过加强对农村青少年进行主流价值观的教育和引导、调整农村教育的课程内容和结构设置、加强农村学校的教育教学管理、提高农村家长对子女教育的重视度等途径破解非家......
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