
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-31
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关键词:配送中心 选址方法 模型建立 确定地址


ABSTRACT:In the operational process of the entire system, siting decisions on the distribution center operation plays a very important impact. As an intermediate bridge, distribution center connects factory and customers, so the distance and the way of distribution center are often decided at the time, different decisions greatly affect the operational efficiency of the logistics system. Therefore, the distribution center site selection studies are very necessary. Distribution center location and network layout should be low cost, good service, and social benefits of high radiation intensity. According to the needs of logistics and distribution, combined with the particularity of the city to construct a high-efficient distribution center location model to target the lowest total cost of logistics distribution center location optimization. According to B logistics company's actual situation, analyze the specific location of the customers, and establish a center of gravity method based distribution center of gravity location model, and then through a series of field surveys and theoretical arguments and use computers to solve the established model and then determine the best distribution center address.

Keywords: distribution center; site selection methods; model; determine the address




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:根据物流配送的需求,结合所在城市的特殊性,构造具有高效益的配送中心选址模型,以总成本最低为目标,对物流配送中心进行选址优化。根据B物流公司的实际情况,分析具体客户所......
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