
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-31
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关键词:物流配送 客户需求 干扰模型 节约里程法


ABSTRACT:Logistics and distribution activities in accordance with the distribution plan implementation process, may encounter a lot of random events. The change in demand maximum effect on distribution plan scheme of the disturbance, demand changes directly affect the development of the vehicle allocation plan, disrupted the initial plan, reduce the efficiency of logistics and distribution, influence to enhance customer satisfaction, for the company's development is extremely unfavorable.

      An analysis of the present research based on the demand of vehicle scheduling interference management at home and abroad. First of all, a detailed analysis of the various existing customer demand changes, the main factors causing disturbance to the initial scheme. Secondly, based on a definite major purpose of interfering scheme, the initial model and interference model, and the model was solved by saving mileage. Finally, combined with the city of Shenzhen Xin Jinpeng logistics company examples solved initial distribution schemes and interference scheme, developed with time windows, saving mileage how to solve the demand disturbances on the system.

      Interference management based on customer demand changes to solve problems with local optimization method, overcomes the defect of the traditional optimization methods in advance and global optimization, the saving algorithm improved to solve the multi-objective model of overall planning, making interference scheme of logistics distribution system with minimal perturbation.

Keywords:logistics distribution;customer requirements; the interference model;save mileage method




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本课题针对物流配送车辆调度中客户需求变动的组合性干扰事件进行研究,干扰事件发生后,以满足时间窗为前提,最小化系统扰动,最小化物流配送成本,构建干扰管理模型,结合实......
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