
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-03
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关键词: 广东,纺织服装业,出口竞争力,金融危机


Abstract:The textile and garment industry is a traditional industry with comparative advantage in GuangDong. After years of development, it has already formed a relatively complete industrial system. The textile industry plays an important role in national economic development and the clothing exports has been rank first in the world economy for many years. By the right of the geographical advantage, flexible management and the sensitive sense to market, the textile and garment export industry has played a predominant role in domestic market. After the Financial crisis, the textile industry in GuangDong, which takes export as the major, has faced enormous pressure in its business for the demand continues to shrink on international markets. Only when we have a comprehensive understanding to the current situation of international economic and that of textile industry in Guangdong, we can find methods to support it to develop healthy. With these methods, we can promote our ability of innovation and to adjust the industrial structure. Finally, the international competitiveness of textile industry in GuangDong can be improved.

Key Words:GuangDong, The Textile and Garment Industry, International  competitiveness, Financial crisis





上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:纺织服装业是广东省具有比较优势的传统产业,经过多年的发展已形成具有一定规模、比较完整的产业体系。纺织业在国民经济发展中占有重要地位,服装出口多年来也一直雄居世界首位......
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