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摘要:本文通过“提出问题—分析问题—解决问题”的步骤,以南京市场商业广告在报纸的投放为例,提出在当今新媒体环境下,报纸广告经营面临着诸多新兴媒体的冲击与挑战。 新兴媒体有着其传统媒体无可比拟的天然优势,大学生群体作为将来社会主流群体,对报纸等传统媒体的关注度也越来越低,原本一家独大的广告市场,属于报纸媒体的“大蛋糕”也在新兴媒体的强势瓜分下变得越来越小。在如此竞争激烈的市场环境下,报纸作为三大主流媒体之一,应该发挥自身优势,提升自身价值,同时开拓经营思路,多面发展,与市场结合,与时代同步,这样才能够在激烈的市场环境下走的更远,更好。 关键词:新媒体环境 报纸广告 发展道路
Abstract:This article adopt a three steps procedure: Point out the issue; Analyze the issue and eventually solve the issue. There states a sample about commercial advertisements which put on the newspapers in Nanjing market, argues that to compete in the contemporary new media environment, newspaper advertisements confront a various challenges from those new- coming media. New media contain several innate advantages which are unmatchable to the traditional media, As the major group in the future, University students becoming pay less attention to the traditional media such as newspaper, the incomparable market in the past period, nowadays this huge cake inevitably face to the dividing from those new media. Taking into account the drastic competition market environment, As the one of three major media, newspaper should develop self advantages, raise self values, at the same time expand the operate reason and develop diversity, combine to the market and follow the time, so that the bright future will coming soon, newspaper can be the winner in this competition. Key words: new media environment, newspaper advertisements, development path
本课题所提及的“商业广告”主要是指各类卖场(包括超市,服饰,家电,日用品等),某些单一品牌在报纸上投放的广告。这个部分的广告在报纸的每年广告额中无疑是贡献着极大一部分的重头。各家报纸媒体只有不断提升自身品质,变化多种服务方式,通过各种方式在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出从而去争取更大的广告额。 以南京商业广告在各家报纸上的投放情况和民众(主要是大学生)对于此类广告的反应作为切入点,以小窥大,引出现如今报纸广告的发展现状并对报纸广告的发展前景进行一些展望。报纸应该怎样发展,走什么样的道路,以什么样的营销模式,用什么样的服务态度,才能够长盛不衰,不被淘汰是本课题的研究的目的与意义。