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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-16
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关键词  直邮广告 市场制度 受众分众化 数据库 中国邮政


Abstract:The main research contents of this topic is the development of China's direct mail advertising. With foreign (in the United States by mainly) mature direct mail advertising compared to domestic direct mail advertising, to found the existence deficiency in the process of the development of direct mail advertising, and separately from the macro and micro perspective China direct mail advertising developing problem causes. Also pay attention to the social enterprise and postal business development present situation, excavate the domestic direct mail advertising business development space, and hope in the database marketing and customer relationship management gets new revelation. In these studies, this subject is the basis of the development process for direct mail, summarizes the problems caused by some thinking, personal forward China's postal leading direct mail industry development, the new model for the entire direct mail advertising market to provide strategic guidance. 

Keywords:direct mail advertising、market system、audience points、database、China's postal




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:研究本课题的意义在于通过与国外成型的DM直邮广告业务比较,发现国内DM直邮广告业务发展的不足之处,探究当前限制其发展的制约因素;同时关注社会企业和邮政业务的发展现状,发......
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