
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-06
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摘要:随着我国电影行业竞争的加剧,电影营销越来越重要,营销渠道也更加的多元化。近年来,我国电影业的票房表明所有获得市场成功的电影都有着创造性的整合营销意识。而Web2.0改变了我国互联网的运行模式,在这一概念下诞生了诸多新媒介产品,如:博客、SNS 社区、微博等,微博尤其引人瞩目。我国出现了不少微博产品,目前最大的微博平台是新浪微博。本文的研究将以新浪微博为媒介平台。


关键字:微博 电影营销 微博营销 票房 作用


ABSTRACT:As China's film industry competition intensifies, film marketing and more important, and more diversified marketing channels. In recent years, China's film industry at the box office indicates that all market success of the film have a creative integrated marketing sense. The Web2.0 has changed our mode of operation of the Internet, the concept was born in a lot of new media products, such as: blog, SNS communities, Micro-blog,]micro-blog is eye-catching. China is seeing a lot of micro-Bo product, currently the largest micro-blog platform Sina micro-blog. This study will be the medium of Sina micro-blog platform.

   Micro-blog booming micro-blog marketing also attracted wide attention, movies through the micro-blog publicity began to increase, the publicity side competing in the micro-blog platform to seize this opportunity. The film distributors use a variety of media to create topics, in order to get the consumer's attention.Although microblogging new media approach can its rapid development, marketing of the film is important.Use micro-blog film promotion is already become the choice of many film promotion party and trends." Love is Not Blind "、" Eternal Momen"、 " So Young " micro-blog marketing, for example, explore micro-blog marketing role in the film, and the film better for the future use micro-blog to providing reference for publicity.

Keywords:Micro-blog;Movie marketing;Micro-blog marketing;Box-office;Affect


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:运用微博进行电影宣传已经是成为众多电影宣传方的选择和趋势。本文通过《失恋三十三天》、《将爱情进行到底》、《致我们终将逝去的青春》的微博营销案例研究,探讨微博在电影......
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