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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-28
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:12916
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关键词:遗产博物馆; 旅游者感知价值; 甘熙故居; 维度结构


Abstra:The perceived value is a key factor in decision-making for tourist behavior,and it is of great value for tourism product developing and marketing. Based on the rewiew of the result of domestic and abroad articles of tourists perceived value, we made a questionnaire of tourists to Nanjing Ganxi former residence on the perceived value. And carrying on factor analyze to the data using SPSS software. According to the survey, we find that tourists perceived value can be divided into four dimensions : service quality of scenery, commodity, resource characteristic and accessibility and emotional value. And then we made a detailed analysis of difference between various sub-group in perceived value dimension through one factor analysis of variance. Research discovered that, there are statistics difference on commodity price and emotional value between tourists of different age because of different consumption idea. Meanwhile, there are statistics difference on service quality of scenery and resource characteristic and accessibility between tourists of different monthly pay.

Key words: Heritage Museum; Tourists' Perception value; Ganxi former residence; dimension structure

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:研究以甘熙故居为例开展遗产博物馆旅游者感知价值研究,探索遗产博物馆情境下旅游者感知价值的构成维度、影响因素以及改善策略,为遗产博物馆的发展现状以及谋求进一步发展、......
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