
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-05
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摘 要:本文对江苏省海洋旅游产业发展进行了初步探讨,结合我国海洋旅游产业的发展情况,分析了江苏海洋旅游产业发展水平不高,服务质量低下等许多共同拥有的问题。通过调查和思考,对江苏省海洋旅游产业的发展提出了集群化发展的建议,集群发展是江苏旅游产业规模化发展的必然结果,有利于江苏省海洋旅游产业发展竞争力的提高和在同类旅游资源中领导力的表现。作者同时也强调了旅游区、旅游景观品牌化建设的重要性,并阐述了对江苏省海洋旅游产业发展品牌建设的策略与方法,希望对今后江苏省海洋旅游实践方面提供理论基础。

关键词:海洋旅游  特色发展  旅游市场  产业集群  品牌建设


Abstract: The paper is a preliminary decision about the development of Jiangsu provincial ocean tourism industry. Concerning the ocean tourism development of the whole country, there are many common problems, such as the low standard of Jiangsu ocean tourism industry development and the dissatisfied service quality. Through the author’s investigation and consideration, the development of Jiangsu provincial ocean tourism needs Industrial Cluster. Industrial Cluster is the certain consequence of the large scope development in the industry. It’s beneficial to the competition improvement within the industry, also the leadership position in the same plans of tourist resources. The writer makes emphasis on the importance of tourism brand construction, also gives suggestion to the methods of brand construction. It is the author’s hope that the paper will become the theory basis of the practice in Jiangsu ocean tourism.

Key Words: ocean tourism; development in characteristics; consumer market; Industrial Cluster; Brand Construction

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:作者认为,目前中国各地的海洋旅游均存在一个统一的问题:太过追随国外成功海岛游发展的脚步。国外海洋旅游只能作为中国海洋旅游业发展的借鉴,不能作为“前身”对待。本文中......
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