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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘 要:近年来,企业的社会责任问题一直是社会着重关注的热点之一。大量数据和案例表明,我国的部分企业片面地追求经济利益,而忽视了社会责任,出现了诸如污染环境、浪费资源、产品质量不合格、偷税漏税等社会责任问题。食品生产企业由于产品与大众生活息息相关,在社会责任的管理和履行方面需要更多的关注和重视。本论文基于利益相关者理论,研究食品生产企业的社会责任。探讨目前我国食品生产企业存在的主要问题,并从利益相关者的角度分析问题产生的原因,提出解决问题的建议。综上所述,本论文采用文献资料等方法,以利益相关者理论为基础,通过对食品生产企业的研究,确定企业社会责任的合理概念。在增强企业承担社会责任意识的前提下,从股东、政府、消费者和社区的角度出发,提出督促企业履行社会责任的建议。



ABSTRACT:In recent years, corporate social responsibility has always been one of the hot points in the society. Large amounts of data and cases show that part of the enterprises pursuit of economic interests one-sided, while ignoring the social responsibility. It has been lots of social responsibility issues such as environmental pollution, waste of resources, substandard product, tax evasion and others. Because the products of food production enterprises are closed connected with people's lives, the fulfillment and management of social responsibility need more attention. This thesis analyzes corporate social responsibility of Chinese food production enterprises based on Stakeholder Theory and combines with the current main problems of food production enterprises. It also analyzes reasons of  the problem from the perspective of stakeholder and propose solutions and suggestions to solve those problems. In summary, this thesis uses literature, case studies and other methods based on Stakeholder Theory. Through the study of food production enterprises, we can determine the rational concept of corporate social responsibility. In the premise of enhancing awareness of corporate social responsibility, from shareholders, government, consumers and community point of view, it proposes suggestions and recommendations to urge enterprises fulfill their social responsibilities.

Keywords:  Stakeholder Theory; Corporate Social Responsibility; Food Production Enterprises

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:本文会根据国内外学者对利益相关者的理解和定义,结合利益相关者理论在我国食品生产企业中的应用,确定食品生产企业的各个利益相关者;同时定义企业社会责任的概念和内容,分......
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