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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘 要:随着市场竞争的加剧,如何吸引消费者,赢取广大的市场,成为企业最为关心的问题之一。然而,传统的以企业产品为导向的营销模式已经不能满足消费者的需求。“以顾客为中心”的思想在市场营销中逐步深入,市场营销的重点已由产品和竞争为导向转向以顾客需求为导向。但是,我国企业在应用体验营销时还存在着营销观念滞后、顾客参与度低等问题。文章研究体验营销背景下我国企业在市场推广过程中的实施策略。




ABSTRACT:With the increasingly fierce market competition, how to attract consumers, to win the majority of the market, become the most concern. However, the traditional product-oriented marketing model has been unable to meet consumer demand.The “customer-oriented” marketing model gradually become popular.The focus of marketing had been customer demand-oriented. However, there are many problems such as marketing concept lag, low customer participation of China's enterprises in the application of experiential marketing. This paper studies the marketing strategy of China's enterprises in the process of marketing.

  This paper explore the consumer experience psychological by “Peak End Rule” and the typical cases of “HaiDiLao”.And summarize marketing strategy: customer orientation, creating experience elements, customer experience and experience evaluation.This has a certain reference value to China's enterprises in improving customer loyalty and brand value.

Keywords: Experiential marketing; marketing;customer consumer psychology;Peak-End rule

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:相比于国外对体验营销研究的日趋成熟,中国对体验营销的研究起步较晚,大约在1995年才有学者开始对体验营销进行深入研究。现今,我国的大多数企业在实施体验营销的过程中仍然存......
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