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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-03
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ABSTRACT:Stone Forest County in Yunnan province has the crown of the “wrestling town”, which has extensive mass base. Today, the Yi nationality’s traditional wrestling in Stone Forest is Yi nationality’s precious cultural heritage. In terms of advocating inheritance, protection and development of minority culture, the traditional Yi nationality’ s wrestling should also be one part of the inheritance, protection and development of minority national traditional sports culture. This thesis attempts to make a deep and systematic research on the formation, evolution and development of Yi nationality’ s traditional wrestling in Stone Forest through the methods of field survey, document literature and interview. On the basis of the study, this thesis puts forward the development ideas and strategies of Yi nationality’ s traditional wrestling in Stone Forest, and makes due contributions to the development of Yi nationality’ s traditional wrestling in Stone Forest towards the direction of science, health and sustainability.

Key words: Yi nationality in Stone Forest; traditional wrestling; investigation and research

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:本研究选择了云南彝族聚居地区之一的石林彝族自治县的摔跤活动作为研究对象。采用现场调查法、文献资料法、访谈法等方法,对石林彝族传统摔跤活动的起源、演进、面临的问题......
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