
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-12
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关键词:都市丽人 竞争对手 消费者购买行为 建议


ABSTRACT:As the life quality, cultural quality, ideological concept, consumer consciousness improved, underwear as consumers close companion, fast-moving consumer goods, in the clothing industry has been more and more consumer attention, thus greatly affect the way people dress, underwear is becoming a new bright spot in the clothing industry and areas of growth. In this case, the underwear industry is rapidly developing in our country, and the merchant's competition is very fierce, the competition for a place in the lingerie industry. 

   In this paper, by analyzing the current development status and trend of domestic underwear industry, with the method of questionnaire, the city beauty of the behavior of consumers in the market research, analysis of questionnaire data statistics, in order to get this enterprise underwear consumers' buying behavior characteristics, influence consumers to buy the brand underwear of personal internal factors and external environmental factors, as well as drawing on the successful experience of some underwear enterprises, and puts forward improvement Suggestions to cosmo lady make the cosmo lady underwear have a better development. 

Keywords: cosmo lady; competitors; Consumer buying behavior; suggestion

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:从目前来看,多数女性消费者仍较愿意选择专卖店和百货公司作为她们购内衣的首选之地。数据表明,有69.7%和43.3%的女性会分别到专卖店和百货公司购买,而这部分消费者几乎包括了......
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